8 Variations on Beethoven's Last Piano Sketch - Gerd Prengel

Gerd Prengel is a composer living in Darmstadt, Germany. Since his adolescence, music has been an integral part of his life. He cites his musical 'heroes' as Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. Prengel identifies with the Vienna Classical style and aims to create a depth and variety of expression in his melodies.


Were you familiar with Beethoven's last piano piece? Prengel took the theme from Beethoven's short Bagatelle in f minor (only 32 measures long!) and expanded upon the main theme in engaging and diverse variations. Fun fact: this piece was discovered in the middle of Beethoven's sketches for his String Quartet, Op. 135. Apparently Beethoven didn't use clefs or key signatures in his shorthand, but the musicologist Peter McCallum cracked the code and made a transcription.


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